Tuesday 29 May 2012

29th May 2012

Earthquake strikes again. Today the shake happened at 9:00 am with magnitude of 5.8. The location was in Modena, which is around 63km away from Bologna. I think I felt some after shock after the big one, but I'm not sure because I was half asleep. The accademia di Belli arti was closed for today, as stated on their website: 

According to the news there was another earthquake striking around 1pm magnitude of 5.3? At this point I was outside in Piazza Maggiore so I didn't feel the earthquake, it felt more like the aftershocks. Found out later on in the news, so far 15 people had passed away, 7 people are still missing and 200 people was injured... 

Life went on for me, I'm lucky enough to have a long lunch with my friends and making sausage puffs when I got back to the flat. 

Sunday 20 May 2012

20th May 2012, 4:00am

I know I have many things to write and update on, but I just have to write this: 

20th May 2012, around 4:00 am, I've experienced my first earthquake ever!! I was only half asleep at the point and suddenly the walls behind me started to shake and not too long till it was the whole room!! I think its because I'm unfamiliar with earthquake so I'm not sure whether to be scared or not, my heart-rate was definitely faster however it had only lasted for a couple of seconds. My flatmates came out of their rooms and we've went out of the building to see what's happening with the neighbourhood. Everyone was slightly confused but they were calm. We've went straight to bed afterward. 

By morning I received a phone call from my cousin because he saw the news and wanted to check up on me. I hope I wasn't mumbling too much because it was only 8:30 in the morning, haha. Finally around 11: 30(ish) I've managed to get up and call the parents but it seems that they haven't noticed about the event over here... I shall tell them later, saves them from worrying too much. I've checked the news and it states the earthquake took place about 35km north of the city of Bologna; 6.0-magnitude quake struck in the middle of the night. All in all, in Bologna its seems like the usual cloud Sunday. Sending thoughts to the people who has been lost due to the event.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18135898

Monday 14 May 2012


This would be the second time I have visited Roma, so I could say I've been to most tourist attraction hotspots. However I don't think I could get bored of looking at the Trevi Fountain and in the trip we went to the Pantheon! Beautiful piece of architecture! It was so hot we had many gelato, one of the flavours I found was Tiramisu (if I haven't pointed that out yet) Gelato and Tiramisu best combination ever!!

Night view of the Forum

Torino with Katie

(street performer - interesting instrument) 

(the other side of the Piazza Castello) 

(Inside Palazzo di Citta; the market was held during the time, found some tasty food!) 

We were wandering around and found a bench near the river. Lovely view.

Day view of the River Po. Here will be near towards Piazza Vittorio Veneto, interesting enough here reminds me of Bath Spa, UK. 

Monday 23 April 2012


Before Easter

I've met my flatmates mother, Marie. She is a sweet lady, who's like mary poppin! When she arrived the amount of food she brought with her **jaw dropping** Pane, Olive, Dolce and MORE!! Marie doesn't speak any english so I've managed to have a little italian session with her, but only using single words and alot of hand gesture to convey what we're trying to say. One of the nights I've made the whole family stir fry. I already know the brothers like my cooking and Marie approves as well, this makes me happy. Marie is an excellent cook, usually I'm not very keen on lamb but the ones she made was good. I am so glad I've decided to live with the San Vitale Brothers, the whole family is so nice and we get on so well.

Easter Sunday

I missed out on a very big meal! Easter Sundays are considered family day, only small bars and some restaurants are open, but most shops will be closed as Easter is one of the biggest holiday in Italy. On the day I was travelling to  meet up with my best friend, Katie, we're spending a week travelling to Torino, Roma, Bologna and then flornece. Before I set off I saw Marie making pane, veggies and funghi mixed together. Even though Marie hasn't finished cooking everything looks so tasty.

Off I go, but before I left a Philippine guy was trying to talk to me on the bus platform. He said I look like I'm from Thailand??? Anyway moving that aside, train up to Torino! Bologna was raining when I left after 20minutes on the train the sky has brightened up very nicely. Torino welcomed me with it beautiful scene and  warm weather, BRILLIANT! Katie wasn't going to arrive until 3 hours later so I've decided to explore the area first, so much to see. It was a good thing the shops weren't open because I definitely wouldn't have walked around Torino as much as I would have. 

(Interesting... I like!)


(Haughting figure, thay shall creep upon when least expected) 

Monday 2 April 2012


It been almost 2 weeks since my last update **sigh**

Allora, my life in bologna is improving. It was my right decision to live with the San Vitale Brothers, we get on so well. Ivan, Adam and I went to play basketball! I may not know how to play basket ball properly but at least I can shoot some hoops! I have settled in a bit more; chosen my final courses- My art is different in bologna because so far I focus more on drawing! The representation of space requires drawing architectural space which I am interested in. Would be so much better if the tutor isn't so... (grrrr can't find the word). Professor Donato is nice because I think he knows I am trying my best to understand the course and he is willing to speak English with me (please note his English = my Italian haha). With his course I am going to make a chair out of cardboard! I'm really excited to do that.

Map of Bologna

Before I can concentrate on my accademia work I must complete my university work: essay and proposal... Oh how you drain me... hence why I don't have much to say about the past two weeks. Literally just finished them all this week 31/03/2012 and for the first time I don't have any Uni work to do in the weekend I ended up staying in at night. During day time though (31st) I've decided to take on an ambitious trip, which is finding all of the gates that surround the whole of Bologna. Oh yes I've walked one BIG circle, if you check on the map of bologna there should be 11 gates (I know the one I've posted isn't great =P). The first gate I went to was Porta San Vitale, then enroute to Porta San Donato and all the way round finishing at Porta maggiore.

Porta S.Vitale

Porta S.Donato

Again Porta S.Donato

This is not your regular asian 'V' pose. Its just my indication of: Two down, Nine more to go!

No Porta so I took a photo of its sign haha.

Porta Saragozza

During the walk I've found out that some of the Porto does not exist anymore. My map was just trying to point out where they were... (I thought I was lost!). Another interesting thing I have noticed, when I ask for direction people would ask me whether I speak English or not. At first I found it odd that they've asked such a thing but I guess this just shows in my heart I consider myself British and Chinese.

And finally just showing you what beautiful weather Bologna had on Saturday, 27 degrees man!!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Great Monday, but crap Tuesday

I had a lovely Monday, there wasn't any classes I want to go to so I had a lovely lie-in. Managed to do some work and then I've asked Adam, my lovely flatmate to take me to the Chinese supermarket. It was an average market but I was sooooo happy because now I have Jasmine tea, rice, NOODLES and UDON NOODLES!!! Bliss. Also one of the most important, GINGER! The weather was hot, 23 degrees so Adam and I finished the rest of the gelato. It was Ivan's turn to cook, we had the soya burgers they brought for me. They liked it! I'm slowly converting their diet, oh yes **wink wink** A totally Happy Day!

Crap Tuesday, the only class I went to today... The professor was just the same as last week speaking all the way through 2 hours straight, ok you like talk fine but do show some concern to the students that doesn't understand what you're talking about. Or don't just speak, do some demo!!!! AHHHHHH!!! Walked back to my flat feeling very angry and frustrated!!! grrrrrrrrr..... Travel Money Card sort yourself out!!!!!!